Healthy solutions for conscious consumers

Helping you create a safe and healthy home

Low Toxic Living aims to guide you as you transition towards and thrive in your low toxic lifestyle. We’ll support you in everything from reducing environmental toxins to being a more conscious and empowered consumer.

Why This Matters


Sperm counts are on track to reach 0 by the end of 2045 in Western Countries. Sperm count decline is 1% per year.

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An average of 287 chemicals were detected in the umbilical cords of newborns in the United States.


"Alexa has always been a trusted resource when it comes to sustainable and clean living. Her quick tips, information and guidance are accessible, not overwhelming. I have an extremely demanding job, so she helps me have the type of green home I strive for while not requiring much time or effort on my part."

— Cecily, Attorney & Mom-to-be

See what’s new


My Low Toxic Makeup Routine with Crunchi

Over a year ago I started to take a deeper look into high performing, high quality, non-toxic makeup brands. I decided to try Crunchi after cross comparing their ingredients with other non-toxic makeup brands and I was so happy with what I found.


My Switch to Simple Composting

Composting doesn’t need to be perfect and can actually be low maintenance. I don’t invite stress into the process but rather strive for progress over perfection and find joy and empowerment in each little step forward.


The Rise of “Clean” and “Green” Washed Products

With the rise of fluffy language like “safe", “clean,” and “non-toxic,” slapped all over products, it’s become really hard for consumers to know what’s actually a smart purchase.


Follow my journey