Investing in the LTL Community


Since starting my Low Toxic lifestyle, I’ve become so inspired by the environmental health community and their commitment to making the world a healthier, more sustainable and inclusive place. Because of the engagement and passion I’ve seen from my friends, family and LTL community members, I’ve decided to invest even more of myself and my time into advocating for lower toxic, more holistic and lower waste lifestyles.

If I’ve learned anything on my low toxic journey, it’s that small steps, and clear intentions make all the difference. That’s why, since the start of 2021, I’ve been on a mission to slowly build up my brand. I’m making sure each investment I make in LTL allows me to share more ideas, learn from you, and give back to our community. It’s been so exciting defining my brand, and exploring what the future might hold. While growing a platform like this will take some time, I’m so excited to take each of you along with me!

As I build and grow, I’d love to hear from you. What would you like to learn? Who would you like to hear from? What services could I offer you? You, your families, and your goals are what drive me and my mission with LTL. As I mention at the end of each Instagram post, THANK YOU FOR LIVING AND LEARNING WITH ME. The energy you’ve put into engaging with me has been such a gift!

Stay tuned for more exciting content, special events and new services. I can’t wait to share this experience with all of you!

– Alexa


Safest Toy Brands for Holiday Shopping


My Low Toxic Makeup Routine with Crunchi